Dataset for the Study: Does Neuroticism Increase Discrimination Perceptivity and Vulnerability to its Adverse Effects? Implication for Psychological Adaptation: A case study of Anglophone African Immigrants in Russia
This dataset provided data for the study: "Does Neuroticism Increase Discrimination Perceptivity and Vulnerability to its Adverse Effects? Implication for Psychological Adaptation: A case study of Anglophone African Immigrants in Russia", which aims to determine whether neuroticism is negatively associated with psychological adaptation (PA) of immigrants/minorities, which is partially mediated by perceived discrimination (PD), as well as whether the negative relationship between perceived discrimination and psychological adaptation is strengthened by neuroticism. In other words, the study tested the following hypotheses: 1. PD is negatively associated with PA 2. Neuroticism is negatively associated with PA, partially mediated by PD. 3. The negative relationship between PD and PA is strengthened by neuroticism. Data was collected and analyzed from a sample of 157 Anglophone African Immigrants. The dataset contains data on PD (mean computed with 4 items); the big-5 personality traits (extraversion-4 items, agreeableness-2 items, conscientiousness-5 items, openness-4 items, neuroticism-5 items); PA (4 items); socio-demographics (age, gender, level of education); & length of time spent in Russia. The results from a multiple regression analysis predicting PA (predictors: age, length of time in Russia, PD, the big-5 traits), showed that PD is negatively associated with PA. Data for visualizing the scatterplot of the regression model is amongst the dataset. The result from mediation analysis indicated that neuroticism was negatively associated with PA, partially mediated by PD. The result from moderation analysis indicated that neuroticism strengthened the negative association between PD and PA. Data for visualizing the interaction between PD and neuroticism, predicting PA is also available in this dataset.
Steps to reproduce
The participants were recruited via snowball sampling. A link to an online survey on Google-form, containing the study questionnaires (measuring perceived discrimination; the big-5 personality traits; & psychological adaptation) was sent to the participants. A brief description of the study was given to the participants. The study was described as “the study of personal and social factors influencing psychological adaptation of African immigrants in Russia”. The participants were also informed of their guaranteed anonymity and their right to terminate participation at any time for any reason. They were then required to consent to their voluntary participation before proceeding. Participation was in English.