Design of experiments in humanitarian logistics: Facility decision making in disaster preparedness

Published: 20 May 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/b9fc88wp4x.2
Renata Turkes


This is the experimental data from the article: Renata Turkes, Kenneth Sörensen, Daniel Palhazi Cuervo, Design of experiments in humanitarian logistics: Facility decision making in disaster preparedness. In the article, we focus on the problem of advance procurement and pre-positioning of emergency supplies at strategic locations in order to better prepare for a disaster. We carry out an extensive computational study to identify the instance characteristics (independent variables, factors) and their interactions that have the most significant influence on the facility decision making (dependant variable, response), and to gain an understanding of these effects. The experimental data consists of: -, that contains the baseline information about different disasters, used to define the pre-positioning problem instances, - experimental_results.csv, that stores the response for each combination of factor levels, and - READ_ME.pdf, a detailed description of the data. The data can be used to replicate the study and/or gain a better understanding of the pre-positioning or related problems.



Universiteit Antwerpen


Applied Sciences
