Dataset of college student's green purchase intention and behavior
This primary data was collected from college students in a major educational institution in North India to examine the green purchase behavior of respondents. A total of 253 responses were collected on various constructs associated with green purchase behavior. The survey was administered in class-room settings using a structured questionnaire. Seven-point Likert scale (where 1=strongly disagree and 7=strongly agree) was used to elicit respondent's response on various constructs such as attitude towards green products, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, environmental concern, ethical obligation, green purchase intention and green purchase behavior. The data also consists of demographic information such as gender, age and marital status. The data was used to empirically test the proposed research model using structural equation modeling.
Steps to reproduce
The data was collected through a structured questionnaire from college students in class-room settings. The respondents were selected using non-probability sampling.