This is the data and scripts for: The potential of biological control against Heterobasidion root rot is not realized in practical forestry

Published: 19 December 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bbnzj5np6z.1
, Sebastian Larsson Herrera


The raw data of stumps can be found in Data/Stump_data.xlsx Where: "Site" is site number, "Stump": Is the stump number, "Infection_area": Is the infected area, "No_colonies": Is the number of Heterobasidion colonies on the stump, "Coverage": Is the coverage of P. gigantea, "Area": Is the stump area. The "Site" and "Stump corresponds to the values in the PCR datasheet. The PCR data can be found in Data/PCR_data.xlsx Where: "Sample": Is the index for the samples, "Site" is the site number", "Stump": Is the stump number, the columns: "GH28", "GH28nest", "GH28 (redo)" and "GH28nest (redo)" are the different PCR repetitions, "Result": Is the outcome of the PCR, "Stump count": Is just a counter. The workflow file maintains all steps needed to reproduce the result


Steps to reproduce

Load the project file in Rstudio then the workflow have everything needed. For additional info read the GitHub page


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Forestry, Pathology
