Effects of kinship and host quality on group reproduction in Sclerodermus cereicollis using a choice test
Published: 4 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bbrrsxpn5t.1
Serena Malabusini, , , , , Silvia De Milato, Description
This dataset describes the behaviour and reproductive outcomes of Sclerodermus cereicollis foundresses, focusing on how host size variation and female relatedness affect these dynamics. Foundresses, grouped according to kinship, were given two hosts of different sizes. Key observations included host selection, oviposition timing, movement between hosts and foundress mortality. Data are provided for foundress mortality, timing of victim attack and subsequent offspring development from oviposition to emergence, offspring emergence, and foundress movements and positions.
Universita degli Studi di Milano