Small-scale fishery is a driver of habitat loss

Published: 3 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bchjp6hzz4.1
Chiara Silvestrini, Alberto Colletti, Antonio Di Franco, Francesco Colloca, Giacomo Milisenda, Serena Zampardi, Maria Cristina Mangano, Giorgio Aglieri, Marco Ranù, Gianluca Liguori, Roberto Danovaro, Federica Foglini, Valentina Grande, Simonetta Fraschetti


The literature search was performed using the database ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science Core Collection package, Clarivate Analytics, 2019) to check quantitative studies that assess the effects of Small-Scale Fisheries on seabed habitats. The search string used was: ((“artisanal fish*” OR “small-scale fish*” OR “Small Scale Fish*” OR “Small-Scale Fish*”) AND (“habitat*” OR “bycatch*” OR “by-catch*” OR “discard*”)). A first level screening at Title and Abstract reading led to 96 eligible studies. These studies were subjected to a second level screening at Full text reading that led to 19 final suitable papers. Details of the suitable studies are reported into Table S1, while the excluded studies, with exclusion reason, into Table S2.



Marine Ecology, Coastal Fisheries, Habitat Loss
