Iq-solow data

Published: 31 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bcn2djd6jw.1
Driss El Amalki


his study leverages an assortment of data. The working-age population (ages 15-64) growth rate was obtained from the World Bank Open Data databases . For the year 2014, the real GDP (Y) ,the working-age population (L) and the depreciation rate δ were extracted from the Penn World Table 9.1 . The growth rate of tech- nological progress g is assumed to be constant and equal to 1%,it corresponds to the long-term growth rate of total factor productivity in the United States.Concurrently, the average share of real investment (inclusive of government investment) was calculated based on PWT 9.1 data. The Regulatory Quality Index, Corruption Index, Voice and Accountability Index, Political Stabili- ty/No Violence Index, Government Effectiveness Index, and Rule of Law Index were obtained from the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) dataset, The biennial frequency of the Worldwide Governance Indicators from 1996 to 2002 is unlikely to significantly impact the study’s empirics. Governance indicators are generally stable over short periods, especially in this case given the chosen samples, and the years with biennial data form a small portion of the overall time frame of 1996 to 2014. Once the dataset transitions to an annual frequency post-2002, this will further dilute any potential influence of the initial biennial data.



Economics, Econometrics, Institutional Economics
