Somatotyping in DII Track and Field Athletes
Anthropometrics (body composition, height, weight, somatotype) and event preference of DII track and field athletes. This study presents somatotype data on a team sport with enduring and diverse sporting demands. The aims were to establish (1) a somatotype profile for Division II (DII) track and field athletes (n=54) by sex, class, and events; (2) if somatotype changed across the season; (3) if changes differed based on class or sex; and, (4) if there was a difference in somatotype between sexes. DII track and field athletes are primarily endomorphic. Males were found to be primarily ENDO-MESO somatotypes (4.7, 4.1, 3.0) while females were dominantly ENDO (7.7, 2.9, 2.9). Upper and lower class were mostly endomorphic (5.8, 3.8, 2.8 vs 6.0, 3.5, 3.0). When investigated based on sex, class level, and event, the groups were similar. Athletes improved MESO scores, indicating adaptations can be accomplished in spite of the enduring demands of a competitive season.
Steps to reproduce
Use Somatotype syntax to run analyses (descriptives and two-way ANOVAs). The Somatotype_Final data set includes all participants where the data set for the manuscript removed a few participants that were injured during the season.