
Published: 17 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bdhdymnxsp.1
Joseph Cooper


Data and code required to reproduce the models and graphical outputs presented in the research article: "Using butterfly survey data to model habitat associations in urban developments", JEJ Cooper et al., (2023)


Steps to reproduce

The data presented in the ./data/04_workspaces/ contains summaries of the butterfly transect data from the Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey, and measures of the urban landscape as assessed through OS MasterMap and Land Cover Map. Those datasets are available under license from their respective sources. These summaries are assessed through the R scripts in ./code/. The R script 04_model_builder is used to reproduce the models. The R scripts 06_01: 06_03 are used to reproduce Figures 1,2 & 3 from the research article, based upon the data in those models. R script 06_04 is used to produce the first figure from the supplementary materials! R script 06_05 is a condensed version of 06_02, which is for social media use.


British Trust for Ornithology


Urban Landscape, Butterfly


Joint Nature Conservation Committee
