Results of the numerical experiments of the proposed MIP to the Collaborative Multi-vehicle Prize Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem
The Collaborative Multi-Vehicle Prize Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem (MPC-ARCP) is a new problem in the field of road network repair and restoration in the context of humanitarian operations. The problem considers that earthquakes and other disasters can cover roads with debris and block them. Therefore, vulnerable communities may be disconnected from critical infrastructures (e.g. ports and airports). The blocked roads can hamper emergency activities such as the distribution of relief supplies, and the evacuation of victims. Souza Almeida et al. (2022) introduce the MPC-ARCP and proposes a Mixed Integer Programming model to solve this problem. In addition, they perform a series of numerical experiments on academic instances. This database contains the instances used in the tests performed by Souza Almeida et al. (2022), as well as the results (i.e. log files and the values of the decision variables) of each one of the experiments. Souza Almeida, Luana; Ghasemi, Alireza; Goerlandt, Floris. The Collaborative Multi-vehicle Prize Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem. 2022. Submitted.
Steps to reproduce
The results of the runs included in this database were generated after solving the MIP model proposed by Souza Almeida et al. (2022) on academic instances. The networks used in the tests are stored in the “Instances” folder, and they were solved with Gurobi 9.5.0 on an AMD Ryzen 9 3960X with 16 cores and 64 GB of RAM. The outputs of the solver (log files) are available in the “Results” folder. The authors recommend consulting GUROBI’s documentation (Gurobi, n.d.) for details on how to read the log files. The results of the numerical experiments are compiled in the Excel file “Summary – Results of the Runs – MPC-ARCP.xlsx”. The authors recommend Souza Almeida et al. (2022) for further information on how the experiments were performed, and how the instances were generated. GUROBI, n.d. Logging [WWW Document]. GUROBI. URL (accessed 11.25.22) Souza Almeida, Luana; Ghasemi, Alireza; Goerlandt, Floris. The Collaborative Multi-vehicle Prize Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity Problem. 2022. Submitted.