Uncovering Mediator and Moderator Effects using Extended Theory of Planned Behavior on Food Safety Behavior among Adolescents in a Developing Country during COVID-19 Pandemic
Attitude, subjective norm, and PBC explains 63% of the variance in intention while these constructs and intention only explains 10.6% variance in food safety behavior. Food safety behavior derives from attitude (Beta = 0.248, CR = 1.996, p = 0.046) whereas the intention depends on subjective norm (Beta = 0.433, CR=2.669, p = 0.008) and PBC (Beta = 0.394, CR = 3.593, p < 0.001). As intention was not significant on food safety behavior in this study, intention do not play the role of mediation. Demographic characteristics were seen to moderate several relationships between the TPB constructs. Older (Beta= 0.345, p=0.027) adolescents were influenced by attitude when engaging in food safety behavior. Younger (Beta= 0.513, p=0.030) adolescents were affected by social pressure when intending to engage in food safety behavior. Older (Beta= 0.461, p< 0.001) female (Beta= 0.461, p< 0.001) adolescents were more confident when intending to perform food safety behavior.
Steps to reproduce
This raw data can be used to reproduce the results of our study. This data can be used to assess the CFA individual constructs, measurement model, structural model, moderation (multi group analysis) and mediation analysis (bootstrap approach)