Data on players’ performance and gameplay in the free-to-play online videogame World of Tanks

Published: 16 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bgjmbfx93g.1
Juan-Manuel Sánchez-Cartas


The data in this dataset was extracted by web scraping from in January 2019. It encompasses data on “hardcore players”, those who have played the most. These data are filtered to avoid empty fields, but they have not been processed. Nonetheless, the database is ready to use. It could be used to draw statistics and conclusions on players’ performance, players’ habits with respect to vehicles, compare individual performance with team play or analyse the behaviour of players by types of vehicles. This database was used in Sánchez-Cartas (2019): Contests and Videogames: Analysis of the incentives to pay in free-to-play videogames. CAIT Working Paper .



Universidad Politecnica de Madrid


Computer Gaming, Role Playing
