Fast and highly sensitive full-length single-cell RNA-sequencing using FLASH-seq
Description Plate-based single-cell RNA-sequencing methods provide high transcriptome coverage and full-length mRNA information but have limited throughput. We present FLASH-seq (FS), a full-length scRNA-seq method with increased sensitivity and reduced hands-on time compared to Smart-Seq3. The entire FS protocol can be performed in ~4.5 hours, is simple to automate and can be easily miniaturized to decrease resource consumption. In addition, the FS protocol can takes advantage of Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) for molecule counting and display reduced strand-invasion artefacts. We expect FS to become the tool of choice when the characterization of gene expression at high-resolution across multiple cell types and tissues is required. The following folders contain the table of counts and extra files associated with the manuscript "Fast and highly sensitive full-length single-cell RNA-sequencing using FLASH-seq" (10.1038/s41587-022-01312-3). Please contact us if something is missing or if some clarifications is required. Notes: 1. ".rds" files were generated in R v4.1 with "write_rds" (readr, v2.0.0) and can be read with the "read_rds" function (readr). 2. The code associated to these files can be found at: 3. Tables of counts provided here are not meant to replace the actual raw data that can be found here in NCBI SRA: PRJNA816486. If you want to repeat the analysis we advice you to start from the raw data whenever possible.
Steps to reproduce