Enhancing Spatial Thinking with Dynamic Map Charts and Virtual Globes through World Scale Geography

Published: 6 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bh9wf42n5x.1
purwanto Purwanto,


Microsoft products such as excel 365 as tools to help process data in improving spatial thinking in geography subject areas. The research implements 3 cycles of learning projects with STEM approach. This article discusses the findings of the research on the use of dynamic map chart and virtual globe to improve spatial thinking in research subjects with a case study of Indonesian and World Regional Geography. Excel application project, for the context of upper-level education, the findings show an increase in spatial thinking skills and mastery of the use of mapping platforms without previous experience in coding, software, or cartography.


Steps to reproduce

This research refers to the type of Action Research Classroom research. The Action Research Classroom model uses a spiral flow according to Kemmis and Taggart (1988). Kemmis and Taggart divided the research procedure into 4 stages in one spiral round, namely planning to action, action to observation, and observation to reflection. The action and observation stages are combined at one time so that the teacher can do it while in the classroom. Furthermore, the results of the observation are used to determine the next activity. This next activity is called replanning which is an activity from the results of cycle 1 which will be improved in cycle 2 and so on. • In cycle 1, the sub-chapter used was the potential and distribution of industrial materials, group 1 got the coal sub-theme, group 2 got the rubber sub-theme, and group 3 got the tobacco sub-theme. • Cycle 2, the sub-chapter used was the potential and distribution of new and renewable energy, group 1 obtained the geothermal sub-theme, group 2 obtained the water sub-theme, and group 3 obtained the log sub-theme. • Cycle 3, the subchapters used were the potential and distribution of agriculture, plantations, and fisheries for food security. Group 1 got the agriculture sub-theme, group 2 got the plantation sub-theme, and group 3 got the fisheries sub-theme.


Universitas Negeri Malang


Geography, Education, Spatial Mapping, Action Research, 3D Geographical Information System
