Dataset on the Geochemistry of soils and their corresponding granitoid plutons of Proterozoic era in Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
This data article provides a detailed dataset on the collected soil samples from the regolith portion of Alkali-Granitoid plutons, those emplaced along the transition zone between Eastern Dharwar Craton and Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt in southern India, due to orogenic collision & later anorogenic rift related tectonism during Proterozoic era. Soils derived from corresponding Paleo to Mesoproterozoic orogenic & anorogenic plutons at Vinukonda, Elechur, Pasupugallu, Podili and Kanigiri majorly showing the enrichment of ∑HREESoil>∑HREERock, the enrichment factor varies from 1.65 to 6.18. Except Vinukonda, Podili, the other soils exhibiting the characteristics of ∑LREESoil>∑LREERock, ∑REESoil>∑REERock, the enrichment factor in soils varies from 1.77 to 3.01 and from 1.9 to 3.05 respectively. Majority of these soils were derived medium to poor grade of weathering and the Chemical Index of Alteration is from 26.30 to 74.92. Although, fractionation of REE in weathered granite/Soil is controlled by the occurrence of REE-bearing minerals and adsorption by weathering products, the ion-adsorption fraction tends to be enriched in HREE relative to source rock.
Steps to reproduce
Soil samples were collected from the B-horizon of weathering profiles in close proximity to parent granitoid plutons, as well as from fresh rock samples at various locations, including Vinukonda, Podili, Kanigiri, Pasupugallu, and Elechuru within the EDC (illustrated in 2A to 2D). The clay fraction (<75 um grain size, mesh no #210) was isolated from the chosen soil samples through the wet sieving method (depicted in Fig. 3A). Subsequently, the clay samples were dried until moisture was eliminated, followed by grinding in an agate mortar to achieve homogeneity. The fresh rock samples underwent crushing into small chips using a jaw crusher, followed by pulverization with a ball mill instrument to achieve a grain size of <75 um (as shown in Fig. 3B & 3C), followed by grinding in an agate mortar for homogenization. For the determination of major elements through X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, 1 gram of the homogenized sample was used to prepare fused glass discs (Norrish and Hutton, 1969). The Loss on Ignition (LOI) of the sample was calculated using a hot furnace at 600°C. For the analysis of trace and rare earth element (REE), 50 mg of the homogenized sample was digested into a 1:2000 solution using HNO3, HF, and Percolic acids in the clean chemistry ICPMS Lab at CSIR-NGRI.