Data for: A multi-sectoral, nongovernmental program for control of rheumatic heart disease: SUR I CAAN: A model for developing countries.

Published: 7 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bhpkn9r6f9.1
Sulafa Ali


Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a leading cause of cardiovascular mortality in developing countries. Control of RHD requires addressing the disease at its different stages through health system variables that are complex and intersecting. To achieve that, a multi-sectoral program is needed that is best implemented through ministries of health. In this report we present the SUR ICAAN program (Surveillance, Integration, Communication, Awareness, Advocacy and Training) that is implemented in Sudan utilizing nongovernmental resources and nonconventional funding. The program can be a model for other resource-limited countries.



Rheumatic Heart Disease
