The quality of the waters of Kayeli Bay: Heavy Metal Accumulation Lead (Pb) And Mercury (Hg) in Water, Sediment and Seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) in Buru Island, Maluku, Indonesia

Published: 19 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bj5bcz7w8z.1
Nur Alim Natsir


The difference in accumulation of lead and mercury heavy metals in water, sediments and seagrass organs Enhalus acoroides (roots, rhizomes and leaves) have been found on Kayeli Bay, Buru Island, Maluku. Samples were taken from ten sampling points (Kayeli River Estuary, Suket River Estuary, Anahoni River Estuary, Waelata I Estuary, Waelata River Estuary II, Waeapo River Estuary, Sanleko River Estuary, Marlosso River Estuary, Nametek Beach and Jikumerasa Beach). Pb and Hg were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The content of Pb and Hg in sediments is higher than in the water. The highest Pb and Hg content is found in the roots then in the rhizoma and leaves (roots> rhizoma> leaves). Seagrass (Enhalus acoroides) is one of the living organisms that can be used as a bio-indicator of the level of heavy metal pollution in the aquatic environment


Steps to reproduce

The sampling station is divided into 9 sampling points and one sampling point representing areas far from pollutant sources. Stasion 1 (Kayeli River Estuary) has activities on land (docks, settlements, mining (drum)); Station 2 (Suket River Estuary) there are mangroves and there are no land activities; Stasion 3 (Anahoni Estuary) there is no activity on land but is a flow of gold mining waste disposal (pollutant sources); Stations 4 and 5, namely the Waelata I river, Waelata River II, there are activities on land (settlements, mining); Station 6 (Waeapo River Estuary) there are mangroves and land activities (settlements, mining) and stations 7,8 and 9 (Sanleko river Estuary, Marlosso river Estuary and Nametek beach) there are seagrasses and land activities (mining use drum, residential area, dock).


Universitas Pattimura


Water Quality
