Database considering the employment and establishments in the municipalities of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul
Database considering the employment (file 1) and the establishments (file 2) in the municipalities of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul for the year 2020. The spatially weighted Composite Concentration Index (ICCs) was calculated, considering its formation of the levels of productive specialization(QLs), competitive concentration (HHms) and relative participation (PRs). The ICCs was calculated considering the municipal spatial scale listed for the following sectors: Industry ICCs1, Construction ICCs2, Trade ICCs3, Services ICC4 and Farming ICCs5.
Steps to reproduce
The index will be based on existing knowledge of spatial techniques in conjunction with the Methodology of Composite Indicators, resulting in a spatially weighted Composite Concentration Index (ICCs). Calculate the spatially weighted index of the productive specialization (QLs), competitive concentration (HHms) and relative participation (PRs). These three indices provide the necessary parameters for the development of a composite concentration indicator called ICCs. For its calculation - for each sector of activity and geographical unit under study - we propose here to perform a linear combination of the three standardized indicators. The decision to choose the best method will be made after considering the results obtained with the application of some more common methodologies, which are: Multivariate Analysis (Factor) and equal value weighting. For this, the study used to estimate the ICCs were obtained from primary sources of the Federal Government of Brazil. In particular, data from the Program for the Dissemination of Labor Statistics (PDET) of the Ministry of Labor were used, referring to the Annual List of Social Information (RAIS), as well as the classification of these data according to the large sectors of economic activity of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), namely: Industry, Civil Construction, Trade, Services and Agriculture. Data were collected for the year 2020, with the most recent periodicity available in the database. The information was collected for the number of formal jobs and the numbers of employers according to the five major sectors previously pointed out. The geographic scale defined was the municipal scale, with the information collected being analyzed for the seventy-nine municipalities of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Centro-Oeste (SUDECO)