Data for: A 3-D Structural Model of the Saddle Mountains, Yakima Fold Province Washington, USA: Implications for Late Tertiary Tectonic Evolution of the Columbia River Flood Basalt Province

Published: 12 June 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bjtty5rhcd.1
Kelsey Crane


The following supplementary materials section contains details for each constructed cross section and the data available to construct the cross section. An interpreted seismic profile in the Frenchman Hills is also included. Additionally, three .kmz (Google Earth) files with georeferenced images and a .csv file with orientation measurements are also provided as supplementary materials. Not all 300 georeferenced images are included in the dataset, as the authors entered an agreement with the Department of the Army to only provide digital photographs of outcrop within the Yakima Training Center. Thus, landscape photos of western Saddle Mountains have not been included in this dataset.



Geology, Geophysics, Tectonics, Structural Geology
