English version of the Computer Vision Symptom Scale (CVSS17)
Research hypothesis: The English and the Spanish version of the Computer Vision Symptom Scale (CVSS17) are equivalente and show similar psychometric properties. The dataset is composed by two text files used as control file for WINSTEPS analysis: 1. Datos para DIF CVSS17 vs CVSS17ENG.txt: The first group of lines, from &INST to &END configures the analysis performed in WINSTEPS to perform a Differential Item Analysis (DIF), based on the Rasch analysis results, between CVSS17 English Version and the original version, developed in European Spanish. The line starting with "PDELETE" shows the respondents excluded from the analysis. The next 17 lines indicates the ID for each questionnaire item. The following lines, until the end of the archive, contains the responses obtained from the participant. Each line displays the responses of each person. The first letter indicates whether the respondent answered the English version (i) or the Spanish version (E) , followed by four numbers (assigned by random), followed by one digit showing whether the respondent was a male (2) or a female (1), followed by a group of two letters describing if the respondent was presbyope (>39 years old) or non presbyope. The next 17 numbers displays the option chosen by the respondent for each item (in the order defined by the labels displayed at the begining of this file), N was used to label missing responses. 2. Datos para análisis de Rasch de la CVSS17ENG.txt: The first group of lines, from &INST to &END configures the analysis performed in WINSTEPS to assess the structural validity of the CVSS17 English Version. The line starting with "PDELETE" shows the respondents excluded from the analysis. The next 17 lines indicates the ID for each questionnaire item. The following lines, until the end of the archive, contains the responses obtained from the participant. Each line displays the responses of each person. The first letter indicates thar the respondent answered the English Vesion (i), followed by four numbers (assigned by random), followed by one digit showing whether the respondent was a male (2) or a female (1), followed by a group of two letters describing if the respondent was presbyope (>39 years old) or non presbyope. The next 17 numbers displays the option chosen by the respondent for each item (in the order defined by the labels displayed at the begining of this file), N was used to label missing responses. Those interested in using this data just need to use any of these two files as a control file for WINSTEPS analysis. The interpretation of the results will be shown in a scientific paper.
Steps to reproduce
Those interested in using this data just need to use any of these two files as a control file for WINSTEPS analysis. The interpretation of the results will be shown in a scientific paper.
Instituto de Salud Carlos III