Empirical assessment for DIGISOC Questionnaire

Published: 11 August 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/bkb66jfjgc.2
Mark Peart,


The DIGISOC Questionnaire. All relevant datasets on the empirical assessment and development of the questionnaire. For digital version of questionnaire, please contact the authors. Mark Peart mpeart@alumnos.unex.es


Steps to reproduce

Based upon the work of several authors (Cubo, Martin and Ramos, 2011; Coe, Waring, Hedges and Arthur, 2017; European Commission, 2006; Martínez Arias, 1995) wherein address the necessary steps in order to develop an instrument with scientific guarantees, we established the following phases: a) Establishing the objective of the instrument. b) Exploring the theoretical foundations and construction of items and dimensions and draft version of the instrument. c) Empirical assessment of the instrument: 1. Assessing content validation via a group of experts 2. Assessing construct validity via confirmatory factor analysis 3. Assessing the internal consistency via Cronbach’s Alpha. d) Determining the final version of the instrument


Universidad de Extremadura


Education, Questionnaire Design
