Automated UI Testing Data using Figma and Maze Apps

Published: 16 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bkw3xd3mgm.1
Kania Katherina, Dany Eka Saputra


The dataset contains data from an automated UI testing using Figma and Maze. The dataset provides data on how much time a user needed to finish an UI task in each steps. The user was asked to conduct 7 different UI test case, and the time to complete each steps was recorded. The dataset also contains heatmap and clickmap for each UI involved in each test case. It show the accuracy of user's action on each step.


Steps to reproduce

1. Remade the interface design on Figma. 2. Set the interaction path on the interface design. 3. Connect the Figma interface to Maze apps to set the parameter collected in the test. 4. Ask several respondents to use the Interface design. 5. Extract the data from Maze apps after experiment.


Bina Nusantara University


Graphical User Interface, Automated Data Collection
