Dataset for shotgun assembly used on the manuscript: “Degradation of recalcitrant polyurethane and xenobiotic additives by a selected landfill microbial community and its biodegradative potential revealed by proximity ligation-based metagenomic analysis”

Published: 14 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bkwf2xhytj.1


This dataset contains the microbial shotgun “de novo” assembly and the log file for the assembly run done with metaSPAdes software, from the selected landfill microbial community BP8. This analysis was performed with 17 282 414 raw reads obtained by paired-end sequencing using NextSeq 500 Illumina platform. The archive contigs.fasta contains the raw assembly output with no parsing. More data can be found in Preprint by Gaytán et al., (2019), web address:


Steps to reproduce

The information is hosted in the file spades.log


Bioinformatics, Biodegradation, Metagenomics, Polyurethane, Environmental Pollution
