Supplementary Material File to (Hydrogen Energy Prospects in Gulf Corporation Council States: Opportunities and Challenges)

Published: 16 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bm47cbhmjv.1
Sultan Al-Salem


The dataset provided is the supporting information to the manuscript (Hydrogen Energy Prospects in Gulf Corporation Council States: Opportunities and Challenges). The file contains the Global and EU27 CO2 (Mt) and GHGs (Mt CO2-eq) emissions with respect to each year, Average annual per capita CO2 and GHGs for the Gulf Corporation Countries, Schematic illustration of today and future’s energy system and hydrogen’s position within, Electrical Power Production in the GCC, Complementary attributes of renewables energy (RE) and gas power including capital, Anticipated growth of renewable energy in the GCC Installed capacity (MW) (2015 to 2030), and The Geographical route of the GCC interconnection. The File also contains Electricity Consumption by Sector in the GCC, the Energy Supply in the GCC as of 2020, Energy Supply in the GCC as of 2020, Breakdown of global hydrogen production by source, Hydrogen Color Coding Against Carbon Emissions with a detailed description of reaction and yield, and Renewable energy installed capacity in the GCC. The File also contains Tabluated information mainly pertaining the calculations of Turqoise hydrogen from gas filed (Durra) in the State of Kuwait.



Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research


Energy Application, Hydrogen, Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Production
