Ring Compression Tests on Un-Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Rod Cladding Considering Surrogate Fuel Pellets - Raw Data
The presented data is the raw data of ring compression tests on un-irradiated Zircaloy-4 PWR fuel cladding. The file and sample names provide information on the testing conditions: 15 samples were tested in empty state (RnP) - 15 samples were tested when loaded with a surrogate fuel pellet of stainless steel (RP). The pellet-cladding gap ranged from 60 to 180 microns. The pellet length was 20 mm. Part of the material was tested in as-received, assuming hydrogen-free condition. Part of the the material was artificially hydrogen charged. The three digits in the sample name provide information on the hydrogen content of the cladding (0 to 470 ppm). Part of the tested cladding was subjected to radial hydride treatment (RHT). Part of the material was tested without being subjected to radial hydride treatment (nRHT). The first column in the CSV files is the recorded time during the tests. The second column is the applied load. The third column is the displacement measured by the testing machine. The fourth column is the displacement measured by an external strain gauge. The fifth column is the displacement normalized with respect to the outer cladding diameter. Four sample dimensions are provided in the data files: The outer cladding diameter, the cladding sample length, the outer pellet diameter (for the RP samples), and the cladding wall thickness. The following conclusions can be drawn from the experiments: • The cladding deformation at failure reduced by one order of magnitude due to hydrogen charging. • Radial hydride treatment at 80 MPa did not cause radial hydride embrittlement. • The loading capacity reduced by about 20-30% due to hydrogen charging. • The surrogate fuel pellets increased the loading capacity by several orders of magnitude. Beside the raw data of the ring compression tests, the results of the numerical simulations of two of the ring compression tests are provided. The first column of these two CSV files is the applied displacement. The second column is the load, normalized with respect to the cladding sample length.
Steps to reproduce
The ring compression test raw data can be normalized with respect to the cladding length to facilitate a comparison. The results of the numerical simulations are normalized with respect to the cladding sample length.