Geospatial datasets of energy consumption drivers in the Ecuador's residential sector
The geospatial datasets presented here provides high-resolution gridded data respect to Population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita (GDPpc), Human Development Index (HDI) and four residential energy demands for Ecuador, between 2010 and 2020. Each variable follows a specific method and uses other available data to end with the calculated datasets. Gridded population dataset primarily uses data from the Center for International Earth Science Information Network, which is calibrated using Ecuadorian official data provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC). Gridded GDP uses data provided by the Central Bank of Ecuador (BCE), whereas GDPpc is the relationship between GDP and the previously calculated population counts. The HDI is a combination of data provided by INEC, BCE, Minister of Education and Secretary of Higher Education. The four gridded energy demand datasets for the residential sector are (i) space heating, (ii) space cooling, (iii) water heating, and (iv) total energy demand. To end with these demands, the approach combines datasets from NASA temperature with population and energy balances by the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources. These datasets provide high-profile information for long-term energy policy and planning for national and local government. These datasets are also important for the research community and enterprises to prioritize energy research and development.
Steps to reproduce
Details provided in D. Moya et al., "Geospatial and temporal estimation of climatic, end-use demands, and socioeconomic drivers of energy consumption in the residential sector in Ecuador," Energy Conversion & Management, in Press, 2022.