Transversal Connectivity Index (TCI) for measuring the effectiveness of urban Blue-green infrastructure

Published: 29 December 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bmrshnf3g2.1
Artan Hysa


This model introduces the Transversal Connectivity Index (TCI) as an ecological indicator for classifying the natural landscape patches by their effective transversal connectivity to the water surfaces. The method applies specifically to urban areas at which the quality of blue-green infrastructure (BGI) is of fundamental importance in reducing the climate change consequences. Effective transversal connectivity among the BGI at the metropolitan scale supplies various ecosystem services in support of nature-based solutions for emerging urban challenges. The TCI value is computed (determined) by integrating a variety of existing and novel landscape indicators into an equation. The connectivity indicators belong to two categories: the intra-patch consists of the isoperimetric quotient , and patch ecological indicator , and the inter-patch ones listed as the band level , the shared border ratio , and the transport fragmentation buffer . (The Processing Modeler- QGIS, will be available up to request|)


Steps to reproduce

The model is developed in Processing Modeler via QGIS software. The workflow includes many parameters (input geospatial data) and algorithms (spatial analysis tools) which are arranged in an interconnected and hierarchical structure as shown in the attached PDF. This material is shared as a supplementary data for the article "Introducing Transversal Connectivity Index (TCI) as a Method to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Blue-green Infrastructure at Metropolitan Scale", which is at the final phase before publication (at Elsevier).


Universiteti Epoka, Universiteti Epoka Fakulteti i Arkitektures dhe Inxhinierise


Landscape Analysis, Land Cover Analysis
