Substantial contribution of iodine to Arctic ozone destruction - data

Published: 20 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bn7ytz4mfz.1
Anoop Mahajan


The data includes: 1) Halogen oxide data as a part of Figure 1 (brodata.csv and iodata.csv). These are the full time-series of the IO and BrO data observed by the MAX-DOAS instrument during the MOSAiC expedition. It includes the time, latitude, longitude, the mixing ratio of the species and the uncertainty of the observation. 2) The GPS data in pickle format (gpsdata.pkl python database) - includes the date/time (UTC) along with the position of the ship (latitude/longitude) for the whole campaign. 3) Bromine containing trace gas signal using the CPI-TOF (MOSSAiC_Br_Spring_Data_BrSignal.txt). This includes the Br signal observed during the spring season during MOSAiC. The file includes the date, time and the signal observed by the instrument. 4) The THAMO box model code and results that were used to make figure 2 (THAMO-box-IOyr-MOSAIC2020.rar)


Steps to reproduce

The files contain the observational data using the MAX-DOAS instrument, the CPI-TOF-CIMS, and the THAMO model. The model results can be reproduced using the code within the .rar file.


Atmospheric Chemistry
