Data for: Polyhydroxybutyrate and glycogen production in photobioreactors inoculated with wastewater borne cyanobacteria monocultures
Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bnf3mgrbjc.1
This file contains all the experimental data obtained related with the manuscript "Polyhydroxybutyrate and glycogen production in photobioreactors inoculated with wastewater borne cyanobacteria monocultures". The file is divided in different spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are grouped in colours depending at which photobioreactor they correspond to. Orange correspond to Synechocystis sp. results, purple to Synechococcus sp results and blue to mixed culture. Each reactor has three spread sheets where the results corresponding to the concentrations of different forms of carbon, nutrients and the total suspended solids can be found. Finally, there is a general spreadsheet with the PHB and Glycogen results from all PBRs.
Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, Cyanobacteria, Wastewater, Biorefinery, Bioplastic