EEG data and psychometric results from children with learning difficulties

Published: 28 May 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/bnfgrn5jbb.4


1. Objective To perform a psychophysiological evaluation of reading and mathematical skills in children with low academic performance. 2. Sample One hundred and four children participated in this study. Each child was allocated into one of the following groups: a) Reading difficulties (RD): 54 Children with low academic performance in reading. b) Math difficulties (MD): 50 Children with low academic performance in math. 2.1. Sample selection criteria * Children aged between 7-13 years. * Not to be diagnosed with any neurological disorder. * Capacity to read a simple text and solve arithmetic facts * Indistinct gender and socioeconomic level. 3. Methods Data collection was carried out across two stages: I) Psychometric evaluation, where reading, spelling, math, attention levels, and IQ were assessed. These results determined which academic skill was the most affected. II) EEG acquisition, by designing two experimental paradigms. For children in the RD group, three passages were displayed and should have been read out loud. After that, three multiple-choice reading comprehension questions were presented. Regarding children in the MD group, forty arithmetical facts were displayed within two blocks (20 each). Similarly, three options were displayed to answer the operation. 4. Data description. 4.1. EEG recordings. - Baseline: a cross was displayed on the screen, and a 3-min recording was taken for each child. - Reading: children read aloud three texts while the EEG was being recorded. Then, three comprehension questions were answered. - Math: two blocks of 20 operations were performed for each child. 4.2. EEG events. - Baseline: no events. - Reading: reading aloud (between 'condition' events); answers for reading comprehension questions ('33026' option 1; '33027' option 2; '33028' option 3). - Math: block 1 (from '33101' to '33120'); block 2 (from '33121' to '33140'); answers ('33026' option 1; '33027' option 2; '33028' option 3). 4.3. Files attached - 32Ch_gTec.ced/.txt - Channel location. - Arithmetical Facts and Answers.xlsx: event tags within EEG data, including each operation and answer from the MD group. - Comprehension Questions and Answers.xlsx: includes the event tags for each answer to the comprehension questions in the RD group. In addition, this file describes the sequence of appearance of the questions. - EEG files.xlsx: it shows the EEG files available in the database plus missing EEG data. - Psychometric Variables.xlsx: description of each psychometric variable and categories associated with each numerical value. - Psychometric_Math.xlsx: psychometric results for children in the math group. - Psychometric_Reading.xlsx: psychometric results for children in the reading group References: [1] Secretaría de Educación Pública. Manual de Procedimientos para el Fomento y la Valoración de la Compentencia Lectora en el Aula. Available from:


Steps to reproduce

Technical information - EEG device: gTec- g.USBAMP. - 32 channels. - Online bandpass filter 0.1-100 Hz. - Online Notch filter: 60 Hz. - Sample frequency: 256 Hz - Ground electrode: Fpz - Reference: Left earlobe - O2 electrode failed during all EEG recordings. The authors suggest eliminating or interpolating this electrode. - NaN values were automatically generated in the EEG data during data preparation. Before EEG preprocessing, the authors suggest using a line code to eliminate these NaN values. Participants details - Participants Sub0001 to Sub0090 have both psychometric results and EEG signals. - Participants Sub0091 to Sub0104 only have psychometric results. - Technical issues were encountered during some EEG recordings from the reading group. Participants with missing EEG data are listed in the EEG files.xlsx document.


Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey


Electroencephalography, Psychometrics, Child Psychology, Academic Learning


Tecnológico de Monterrey
