geochemical and geochronlogical data in Mt Kala, NE Himalaya
The data include major and trace elements of mafic rocks (Table DR2-geochemical data-mendeley), and SIMS baddeleyite U-Pb age of a mafic dike (Table DR1-16ZN38-mendeley) from a mafic-ultramafic body in Mt. Kala, NE Himalaya. The mafic dikes intruded host Triassic sandstones. The major and trace elements were performed on Phillips PW 1500 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and Finnigan MAT Element II mass spectrometer, respectively, at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The SIMS baddeleyite U-Pb age was measured on the Cameca IMS-1280 SIMS at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Geochemical data present that these mafic rocks are alkaline mafic dikes; age of baddeleyite demonstrates the mafic-ultramafic body intruded at ca. 152. Ma, suggesting that they generated in an extensional setting in the Late Jurassic. Combined with regional angular unconformity, and rapid changes in sediment thickness and deepening of sedimentary water in a continental shelf-slope setting, they are evidence of a rifting event in NE Himalaya, which was coeval with 152-155 Ma oceanic crust in the NE Indian Ocean and a Late Jurassic submarine escarpment with 1200 m of sediments offshore of NW Australia. These data reflect rifting of the NE Himalaya, as the westernmost Argoland, from East Gondwana.
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The major and trace elements were performed on Phillips PW 1500 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and Finnigan MAT Element II mass spectrometer, respectively, at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The SIMS baddeleyite U-Pb age was measured on the Cameca IMS-1280 SIMS at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.