Forensic fibre retrieval validation dataset

Published: 27 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bnnvn7gbf3.1
, Zoe Jones,


To use this dataset, download the zip file entitled 'Fibre retrieval dataset' and extract all of its contents. Once extracted, it can be seen that that file contains a folder also called 'Fibre retrieval dataset' which, itself, contains a number of folders. Amongst these is one labelled '0. Introduction' in which there is a pdf document. That document provides details of how this dataset is structured and outlines how it might be used. As described in that pdf document, this dataset contains data that were collected to study the effect of four factors on the rate at which self-adhesive tape is able to retrieve target fibres from surfaces commonly encountered at crime scenes and in forensic laboratories. The factors tested were: • tape type. This has two levels: Crystal Tabs and J-Lar; • tape storage temperature, with three levels: -5, 19 and 35◦C; • taping method, with two levels: zonal and 1 to 1; • the surface from which the target fibres were retrieved, with 12 levels: Brick, Ceramic tile, Cushion cover, Glossed MDF, Jeans, Jumper (i.e. a sweater), Long carpet, Plywood, Seatbelt, Short carpet, T-shirt and Tracksuit trousers. For each of the 144 unique combinations of factor levels, five repeat fibre retrieval rate determinations were carried out, resulting in a total of 720 data points. This dataset also contains the computer code that was used to analyse these data and the outputs generated from those data by that code.



Staffordshire University


Recovering Evidence
