Air temperature, relative humidity and dew point in a boreal raised bog and an upland site (Shichengskoe mire system, north-western Russia)

Published: 25 June 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bpnd9978v6.1
Victoria Yurchenko, Dmitriy Philippov


These MS Excel files contain raw data on air temperature, relative humidity and dew point measured in a boreal raised bog and an upland nearby during vegetation periods of 2013-2015 and 2017. Measurements were conducted at 4 sites in total, namely a lagg, a paludified edge of a mineral bog-island, a forested margin of the mire, and an upland site. Data from 7584 time points are available for the year 2013; 5952 for the year 2014; 6384 for the year 2015; 5952 for the year 2017. Linked article provides further information.



Atmospheric Science, Microclimatology, Mire
