Serial 3D Dental Models
Published: 28 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bpnmf2vhsk.1
, Description
The dataset consists of 3D scans of the upper and lower dentitions of 24 patients, all in their growth age, taken at different time intervals. All patients had normal occlusions with no history of orthodontic treatment. There are 3 scans avaialble for 8 out of 24 patients, and 2 scans available for the remaining 16 patients. The interval between each two consecutive scans is at least 2 years and at most 10 years. The dataset was created by 3D scanning of plaster models using a benchtop structured-light 3D scanner (Maestro 3D Desktop Scanner, Pontedera, Italy) with a point accuracy of <10 μm and resolution of <70 μm in all directions.
Tooth, Spatial 3D Modeling, 3D Data Capture