Who Said What to Whom: Memory for Sources and Destinations in Monolinguals and Bilinguals
Published: 9 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bpvmmgwhyw.1
Naoko Tsuboi, Wendy FrancisDescription
In this study, monolingual and bilingual participants participated in (Experiment 1) or observed (Experiment 2) conversations with recorded confederates. Stimuli were self-referential sentences. Participants were tested on memory for items, speakers, and listeners. This data set corresponds to a submitted manuscript by Naoko Tsuboi and Wendy S. Francis with the same title. A full description of the hypotheses, methodology, and results is given in the manuscript. See Summary Information file for explanation of components of the data archive.
University of Texas at El Paso
Associative Memory, Bilingualism