Spike-wave discharges in WAG/Rij rats

Published: 27 December 2018| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/bpwkdbc6v5.2
Evgenia Sitnikova


version 1. video File ID=153_11m_swd-sleep.mp4 Development of EEG absence seizures in WAG/Rij rat. Video-EEG was recorded at the age of 5, 7 and 9 months. Three channels intracranial (epidural) EEG recording of spike-wave discharges taken during slow-wave sleep. (1) Red channel - frontal cortex (right); (2) Blue channel - parietal /somatosensory cortex (right); (3) Green channel - occipital cortex (right). version 2. video File A3_K3_swd-development.avi Development of EEG absence seizures in WAG/Rij rat. Video-EEG was recorded at the age of 5, 7 and 9 months. Three channels intracranial (epidural) EEG recording of spike-wave discharges taken during slow-wave sleep. (1) Red channel - frontal cortex (left); (2) Blue channel - frontal cortex (right); (3) Green channel - occipital cortex (right).



Institut Vyssej Nervnoj Deatel'nosti i Nejrofiziologii RAN


Video-Electroencephalogram, Rat Epilepsy Models, Absence Seizures
