Populational Diffusion Tensor Imaging Statistical Maps
The Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) maps provided here are intended to be used as a statistical voxel-based segmentation image segmentation techniques. Here it is available DTI maps namely FA, ADC, RA, and RD. All the populational maps were built using the same procedure described in Mori et al. [1].
Steps to reproduce
All the DTI maps are already non-linearly registered in the ICBM (MNI152) space, providing populational maps of 2mm and 1mm isotropic resolution. The spatial characteristics are similar to what is reported by Mori et. al. [1]. The data files have the following naming standard: <Insitution>-<Space Template>-<Type of DTI map>-<Number of Subjects>-<Voxel Resolution>.nii.gz Where: <Insitution> = University of Sao Paulo (USP) <Space Template> = ICBM stands for the International Consortium for Brain Mapping <Number of Subjects> = Number of subjects used to mount the DTI template <Type of DTI map> = Type of DTI map, which could be FA, ADC, RA, and RD. The "stat" prefix means that the DTI map is a 4D statistical map where the fourth dimension is a stack of different subjects at the same x,y,z volume. <Voxel Resolution> = DTI map voxel resolution, which 1mm and 2mm are available.