Data for: Segregation and conflict: An empirical analysis

Published: 9 December 2016| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/br85hvyng4.1
Miguel Vargas


Abstract of associated article: This paper examines the relationship between segregation and several intensities of civil conflict. Our results are as follows. First, both ethnic segregation and language segregation exhibit a strong and robust correlation with the incidence of conflict at any intensity level; that is, from civil wars to social disorder and protests. Conversely, religious segregation does not affect any type of conflict. Second, ethnic segregation and language segregation are related to the escalation and continuation of conflict but are unrelated to its onset. Regardless of the mechanism of segregation, its effect is unrelated to the outbreak of violence but it is related to the reinforcing of existing conflicts. Third, two channels of influence are trust and secession threats, in the sense that the measures associated with those channels are influenced by segregation and, at the same time, reduce the effect of the geographic group concentration on conflict.



Economics, Macroeconomics
