An India soyabean leaf dataset

Published: 13 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bshkvgbzpt.1
Jameer Kotwal, Ramgopal kashyap


In India from south region of Maharashtra state this crop is cultivated thrice in year. Soyabean plant is planted between the months of June through July, during the months of October and September during the rabi season, as well as in February. In the Maharashtrian regions of Pune, Satara, Ahmednagar, Solapur, and Nashik, among others, Soyabean plant is a common crop. In Maharashtra, Soyabean plant is grown over an area of around 31050 hectares. A dataset of healthy and insect damaged Soyabean plant leaves is presented in this publication. Images were taken over the course of fewer than two to three seasons on several farms. The dataset consists of seven folders with a total of 3363 images. The dataset is divided into 6 categories: I) Healthy plants II) Vein Necrosis III) Dry leaf IV) Septoria brown spot V) Root images VI) Bacterial leaf blight.



Amity University Chhattisgarh


