
Published: 8 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bsjsx2rymg.1
Nicole Thompson Gonzalez


Data sets to evaluate costs and constraints of cellular immune activity by month: full_data_month.csv by sample interval (short term costs only): full_data_short_term_lbm_change.csv Variables month: subj: 4 character code of subject group: social group of juvenile subject year: year of data collection month: month of data collection sex: observed sex age: age at midpoint of month mrank: proportional maternal rank during total observation period log2_avg_neo: subject monthly average urinary neopterin concentrations ng/ml standardized by specific gravity, cellular immune activity log2_avg_cp_tar: subject monthly average urinary C-peptide concentrations pg/ml standardized by specific gravity and expressed as a time adjusted residual, energy balance avg_cr_resid: subject monthly average of residual creatinine vs. predicted creatinine by specific gravity, estimate of lean body mass avg_rain: monthly average daily rainfall in mm n_partners: subjects' number of social partners in the month (sitting in contact, grooming, playing) r: subject monthly proportion of time observed resting f: subject monthly proportion of time observed feeding m: subject monthly proportion of time observed locomoting Variables samples interval: subj: 4 character code of subject group: social group of juvenile subject year: year of data collection month: month of data collection sex: observed sex age: age at midpoint of month mrank: proportional maternal rank during total observation period log2_neo: sample urinary neopterin concentration ng/ml standardized by specific gravity, cellular immune activity log2_cp_tar: sample urinary C-peptide concentration pg/ml standardized by specific gravity and expressed as a time adjusted residual, energy balance cr_resid: residual creatinine vs. predicted creatinine by specific gravity, estimate of lean body mass sample_interval: days between subject's samples at t1 and t2



University of California Santa Barbara


Immunology, Animal Physiology, Animal Development, Animal Energetics
