Data for: Both Prey and Predator Features Determine Predation Risk and Survival of Schooling Prey

Published: 13 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bszk9ztryp.1
Jolle Jolles, Matt Sosna


SUPPLEMENTARY DATA FOR: Jolles, Sosna, Mazue, Twomey, Bak-Coleman, Rubenstein, Couzin (2021) Both Prey and Predator Features Determine Predation Risk and Survival of Schooling Prey DATA: All data for the analyses can be found in the final_sizedat.csv and final_movedat.csv datafiles, and final_fig1dat.csv, final_fig3dat.csv, and final_reltoselfdat.csv provide additional data used to create figures 1-3. Further information about the datafiles can be found in the README file.



Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics
