Hydralab+ WINGS wave-current orthogonal interaction experiments - Flow velocities dataset

Published: 7 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bszt6w5kvx.1
, Massimiliano Marino,


The dataset contains flow velocities of orthogonal wave-current experiments measured with Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters, recovered during the Hydralab+ Transnational Access Project laboratory campaign WINGS. Experiments were meant to investigate nonlinear features of the combined flow and to study turbulent phenomena at the combined flow boundary layer. The dataset can be used to validate hydrodynamics wave-current analytical and numerical models. The laboratory experiments reproduced the combined hydrodynamics of waves and current interacting at a right angle. A set of wave and current parameter were varied within the experiments: current velocity, wave height, wave period. Plus, two bed conditions were reproduced: fixed sand (d50 = 0.0012, Run 1-18) and fixed gravel beds (d50 = 0.025 m, Run 19-36). Velocity were measured in the current, wave and vertical upward direction by an array of Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (x, y and z directions respectively). Resistive wave gauges were employed to recover wave surface elevation. The dataset includes both raw and despiked (Goring and Nikora, 2002; Islam and Zhu, 2014) flow velocity time series. Reynolds averaging was carried out to obtain time-averaged, phase-averaged and turbulent velocities from instantaneous velocity time series.


Steps to reproduce

To open the dataset you will need MATLAB or any software that can handle .mat files. For time-averaged velocity profiles load velocity_time_series/prof_run_X_adv_Y.mat with X being the number of the run and Y being the number of the ADV, then plot the time-averaged velocity rund.um and the dimensional bed distance rund.zp. Plot rund.vm or rund.wm for time-averaged velocities in the y and z directions respectively. For velocity time series load velocity_time_series/prof_run_X_adv_Y.mat and load plot rund.u (instantaneous velocity time series) or rund.uf (turbulent velocity time series). To obtain the time of the time series divide the number of samples of each time series for the acquisition frequency rund.fs. For space-averaged profiles load space_averaged_velocity_profiles/spaceprof_runX.mat (with X being the number of the Run) and plot the space-averaged velocity usn and the dimensional bed distance zsn Run input quantities and variables in the dataset are listed in the spreadsheet WINGS_dataset.xlsx.


Universita degli Studi di Catania, Universita degli Studi di Messina


Hydrodynamics, Coastal Engineering, Turbulence, Boundary Layer
