Boron Isotopes from Kamchatka Volcanoes_BORSH PROJECT

Published: 22 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/btbt6pp3yk.1
Ivan Savov


Boron isotopes are reported as 11B/10B ratios of volcanic rocks from Kamchatka. Boric acid standard 951 was analyzed together with the rocks and is reported. Sample B5 (Mt.Etna basalt) was also analyzed together with the samples and is reportred. TOL, KAM and ZI are samples from VF at Tolbachik volcano SHI are samples from the VF at Shiveluch volcano BAK are samples from the rear arc Bakening volcano


Steps to reproduce

We used K2CO3 fluxed fusions in Pt vials and then Amberlite resin for purification. We analyzed the clean boron containing solutions on Naptune MC-ICP-MS instrument at IGG Labs-CNR-Pisa. Analytical details (and some of the dataset) are already published in Iveson et al. (2021) Reference is: Iveson, A., Humphreys, M., Savov, I. P., de Hoog, J-C.M., Churikova, T., Macpherson, C.G., Mather, T., Turner, S.G., Gordeychik, B., Tomanikova, L., Agostini, S., Hammond, K., Pyle, D., Cooper, G.F., 2021. Deciphering variable mantle sources and hydrous inputs to arc magmas in Kamchatka, Earth Planet Sci. Lett. 562,


Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Area della Ricerca di Pisa, University of Leeds


Reaction of Volatiles, Volcano, Boron Isotope, Subduction Zone
