Establishment of a mouse–tick infection model for Theileria orientalis and analysis of its transcriptome

Published: 4 September 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bth7xjr2vs.1
kyoko Hayashida


Supplementary data for manuscript entitled " Establishment of a mouse–tick infection model for Theileria orientalis and analysis of its transcriptome" Hayashida et al., 2018 International Journal for Parasitology. 1) Supplementary Figure S1 Gene structure of ToSPAG, an ortholog of p67 gene in T. orientalis. 2) Supplementary Table S1. Number of reads obtained for each transcriptome data set. 3) Supplementary Table S2. Complete list of genes and their calculated reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) values in Theileria orientalis piroplasm and the sporozoite stages. 4) Supplementary Table S3. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in Theileria orientalis piroplasm and the sporozoite stages.



Transcriptome, Protozoan Disease, Cattle, Theileria
