Collections of AB20 flow matrix dataset

Published: 4 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bv3zywjyyj.1
Dongjin Jeong,


In the problem of Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem (UA_FLP), AB20 flow matrix data used in previous studies are different, making it difficult to accurately compare objective function values. Therefore, we have summarized AB20 flow matrix data used in previous studies. It can be divided into four categories. 1. Data from the original author Armour and Buffa (1963) are asymmetrical matrix. 2. It is Scrabin and Vergin (1975) who created a symmetric matrix using data from Armour and Buffa (1963). 3. Komaruddin and Wong (2010) created a new asymmetric matrix using data from Armour and Buffa (1963). Most values are similar to Armour and Buffa (1963). 4. La Scalia et al. (2019) created a new asymmetric matrix using data from Armour and Buffa (1963). Most values are similar to Armour and Buffa (1963), but different to Komaruddin and Wong (2010). When calculating the objective function value of other layout problems, excluding AB20, the flow matrix data is symmetric, so the sum of the distance and the product of the flow is divided by two. However, the AB20 problem originally uses an asymmetric matrix, so the sum of the distance and the product of the flow must not be divided by two as it is when calculating the objective function value. I used the data from Armour and Buffa (1963). These are various type of flow matrix in AB20. AB20(Armour & Buffa, 1963) : Asymmetric AB20(Scrabin & Vergin, 1975) : Symmetric AB20(Komarudin & Wong, 2010) : Asymmetric AB20(La Scalia et al, 2019) : Asymmetric



Korea Aerospace University


Layout Design, Facility Layout
