Prioritising Sustainable Development Goals, characterising interactions, and identifying solutions for local sustainability
This data set contains evidence and literature on interactions among the 29 selected targets of priority Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the Goulburn-Murray. This table (i.e., Table C.3.xlsx) summarises: (i) the amount of evidence for each interaction, (ii) robustness of the evidence for each interaction (summary terms: ‘limited’, ‘medium’ or ‘robust’), (iii) scores assigned with the Nilsson scoring methodology (Nilsson et al. 2016), (iv) level of confidence in assigned scores derived from authors’ judgement (summary terms: ‘low’, ‘medium’ or ‘high’). As an example, target 2.3 pertains to doubling agricultural productivity and target 6.3 relates to improving water quality, hence pollution resulting from unsustainable agriculture can counteract (−2 scoring) reductions in water pollution and the protection of water and related ecosystems. Because multiple documents discussed this interaction, confidence in the score was high. Achieving target 6.3 (water quality) and target 6.6 (protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems) was expected to lead to co-benefits (+2, reinforcing). Due to the number of documents mentioning this interaction, our confidence in the score was high. Also, in this table for some targets that are conceptually overlapping and may have the same evidence, therefore the first two columns can refer to multiple targets. Also, this data set contains coded statements too (Coded statements of all SDGs.pdf) . We prioritised SDGs and targets for the region by performing a computer-aided review of the literature. We assessed relevant literature with the software package NVivo Pro 12. We identified statements related to each SDG, then coded that content manually by assigning statements to relevant SDGs. As a first stage, we searched abstracts to find statements relevant to each of the 17 SDGs. Some statements were only associated with one SDG, while others were related to multiple SDGs. These coded statements were extracted from NVivo Pro 12.