Dataset for the the manuscript entitled "Electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of Co2CrC and CoCrC Heusler alloys: GGA and mBJ method"
This dataset includes all input and output files used for analysis and interpretation in the manuscript entitled "Electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of Co2CrC and CoCrC Heusler alloys: GGA and mBJ method". This manuscript is submitted to the journal of magnetism and magnetic materials.
Steps to reproduce
All provided data can be reproduced by using the wien2K ab-initio calculation package. Steps to investigate different properties are outlined in the user guide of the software. The dataset include : 1- Crystal structure input file 2- Density of state output files 3- Band structure outpute files 4- Optical calculation output files 5- Self consistent field files Reference for calculation package : P. Blaha, K. Schwarz, G.K.H. Madsen, D. Hvasnicka, J. Luitz, Vienna University of Technology. Austria. (2001).