
Published: 10 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bvrbsy79hj.1
Ina Schlathölter


The dataset contains the raw data and data input files to replicate the statistical analyses of the assessments of floral fire blight resistance, and tree- and fruit-related phenotypical traits described in "Field study of the fire blight-resistant cisgenic apple line C44.4.146" ( dataset_1_floral_fire_blight_assessment: raw data of the assessments of floral fire blight severity 21 dpi in 2018 and 2019 (1st tab), contingency table per floral fire blight severity group, year, tree, and genotype (2nd tab), contingency table per floral fire blight severity group, year, and genotype (3rd tab) dataset_2_quantitative_phenotypical_traits: measured quantitative phenotypical traits per tree (1st tab) measured quantitative phenotypical traits per block (2nd tab) dataset_3_qualitative_phenotypical_traits: contingency tables of the two qualitative phenotypical traits per trait category, year, and genotype (1st tab: ground color, 2nd tab: pattern of over color)


Steps to reproduce

We refer to the "Experimental procedures" section of the article linked to this dataset to learn about the plant material, field trial setup, and assessments and statistical analysis of the different phenotypical traits included in this dataset.


Agroscope, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich


Fruit Tree, Field Research, Bacterial Disease in Plant, Apple, Genetically Modified Horticulture Plant
