Bifocal emotion regulation through tapping in fear of flying
Dataset contains: *Folder ‚Behavioral‘ Spreadsheets containing the behavioral data and questionnaire data from the scanning session and the intervention session that went into the group-level statistics reported in the manuscript in *.csv and *.xlsx format. -------------------- *Folder ‚fMRI‘ **Folder ‚First Level‘ Contains *.nii files of all n=29 participants for the eight experimental conditions as calculated in a first-level fixed effects model corrected for serial autocorrelations (AR1) and low frequency signals (high-pass filter of 128 s): intial fear (nF): con_0001 view fear (vF): con_0002 regulate fear (tF): con_0003 initial phobia (nP): con_0004 view phobia (vP): con_0005 regulate phobia (tP): con_0006 initial neutral (nN): con_0007 view neutral (vN): con_0008 **Folder ‚Second Level‘ File ‚final_background.nii‘: Background mean T1 image in group space File ‚Juelich_amy_50thrsh_mask_groupspace.nii‘: Bilateral amygdala mask used for ROI analyses, derived from the Juelich Atlas and transformed into group space ***Folder ‚GLM 1‘ Second level ANOVA random effects group level analysis comparing interactions of the experimental factors 'phase' (intial, viewing) and ‘stimulus type’ (phobia, fear, neutral) in a full-factorial within-subject GLM (group space) Contrasts images include: 0011(F) Effects of Interest 0020(T) Interaction phase x stimulus type 1 -1 0 -1 1 0 0021(T) Interaction phase x stimulus type -1 1 0 1 -1 0 0022(T) Initial > Viewing 0033(T) Viewing > Initial 0024(T) Fear > Neutral 0025(T) Phobia > Neutral 0026(T) Fear > Phobia 0027(T) Phobia > Fear ****Folder ‚Clusters‘ MNI coordinates of cluster maxima, voxel level statistics and atlas data from the above-mentioned contrasts as reported in the manuscript and in the supplementary material ***Folder ‚GLM 2‘ Second level ANOVA random effects group level analysis comparing interactions of the experimental factors 'regulation' (view, regulate) and ‘emotion’ (fear, phobia) in a full-factorial within-subject GLM. Contrasts images include: 0009(T) Regulate > View 0010(T) View > Regulate 0011(T) Interaction regulation x emotion -1 1 1 -1 0012(T) Interaction regulation x emotion 1 -1 -1 1 0013(F) Effects of Interest ****Folder ‚Clusters‘ MNI coordinates of cluster maxima, voxel level statistics and atlas data from the above-mentioned contrasts as reported in the manuscript
Steps to reproduce
Please see the corresponding manuscript for details on data acquisition and analysis