Dataset 12 - Candidate ABPs From Rank I, II, III and IV Obtained From Cnidaria Omics Data

Published: 6 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/bw472ms3vt.1
Alexandre Barroso,


Candidate ABPs From Rank I, II, III and IV after strain-specific prediction in DBAASP


Steps to reproduce

1- Strain-specific activity predictions were performed for the ABPs peptides obtained in "Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/8vbphryhp4.1" using DBAASP ( 2- Three strain-specific antibacterial prediction models were employed: Model I: ML predictions based on AMP sequence data; Model II: Cluster-based predictions using peptide sequence data; and Model III: ML predictions integrating peptide and bacterial genome data. 3 - The predicted ABPs were hierarchically ranked according to the following: Rank I – ABPs intersecting all three antibacterial activity models and all three strain-specific models; Rank II - ABPs intersecting all three activity models and two strain-specific models; Rank III - ABPs in the union of activity models but intersecting all three strain-specific models (effective against 4–5 pathogens).; and Rank IV - ABPs in the union of activity models intersecting all three strain-specific models.


Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigacao Marinha e Ambiental, Universidad San Francisco de Quito Colegio de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Panamericana Aguascalientes Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciencias


Peptides, Biodiscovery, Omics, Antimicrobial
